Thursday, December 24, 2009

The break-up - A Haiku

Train enters station.
I wish you were there, waiting
to come home with me.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Free bottle of wine -- A Haiku

I stare longlingly
at your curves; so elegant.
I love your color.

Holiday - A haiku

Work alone on this
Holiday. I work alone.
Can't I just sleep in?

I have a cold. A Haiku

Big sneeze, stuffy nose.
I do not believe in colds.
Superfood cures all.

Winter weather - A Haiku

Damn you and your ic-
y trails! I don't own snow boots.
I much prefer Spring.

Self-absorbed artist guy - A Haiku

Artist guy, your hair...
It's so fluffy, like cotton.
You wash it, don't you?